beej christie Karpen
& Insight Out Coaching
beej christie Karpen
…is an Intuitive Mindfulness-Based Coach, IFS Practitioner, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and Clinical Hypnotist with a unique gift for transforming clients out of negative patterns into a less stressful way of living.
Beej is not a traditional licensed psychotherapist but a natural healer who’s been deeply trained in several therapeutic healing modalities in order to responsibly help people access their full potential.
Live the Story You Want to Tell
For much of my adult life I was simply an oboe player. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that!) I played in over 25 Broadway shows along with classical gigs at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, etc. I also sang professionally, and even sang in one Broadway show.
When I went through a difficult divorce (not that any divorce is a picnic!) I fell into some not-so-healthy soothing habits and woke up one day just kind of sick of myself, I guess, and started seeking a change.
I randomly met a meditation teacher at Jury Duty, of all things. I’d always been intrigued by the idea of a meditation practice but believed, as many people do, that I couldn’t do it. My mind was too busy. It turned out I had never put the time and energy into developing a regular practice. And, guess what—Everyone’s mind is too busy! You just notice it more when you sit down and get quiet.
As it turns out, a Mindfulness Meditation practice teaches you to relate differently to your mind, to befriend all the various voices and parts that are constantly running in the background.
So I sat down on a cushion. And my life changed. I started to get curious about everything I believed about myself and the world around me.
I even got curious about playing the oboe. I knew I loved to play the oboe, but what was it about playing the oboe that I loved? The answer came to me: It was the healing qualities of the instrument. It was playing at a memorial service or even a Broadway show and knowing I might be touching someone who was in need of healing.
I liked to help people heal. This was a big surprise to me! I can’t really explain it, but it became clear to me that my life’s work involved helping people heal.
Then I just had to figure out how to do it! So I started training like crazy, first as a meditation teacher and coach, and before I knew it, I was teaching weekly classes at companies like Spotify, Giphy, Calvin Klein, and Morgan Stanley, coaching high-level executives on how to live their lives with more ease.
I remember thinking: How in the world did I get here??
At the same time, I began coaching a lot of individual clients and noticing the impact their past traumas were having on their current lives, and I knew I had to train in trauma healing as well.
I named my company “Insight Out” because I have found that, by holding a compassionate space for my clients, they are able to access their own buried insights and bring them out into the light.
A lifelong learner, I fully believe I have found my life’s calling. I love to help people heal. 🌸
Featured In
The Trauma Therapist Project with Guy Macpherson: Watch the video about my Mindful Drinking 101 Group Coaching Series.
The Alcohol Minimalist Podcast with Molly Watts: Listen here.
The West Side Rag: Read the article.
The Moderation Management blog: Read the interview.