Tuesdays, 8:30 - 9:00 am Eastern - ALL LEVELS (cats, dogs, etc) WELCOME!

via Zoom: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4677384348

Passcode: Calm

This is a free class but donations are gratefully accepted via:

Venmo: beej-christie-karpen

Zelle: bjk@insightoutnyc.com

Paypal (choose friends & family): bjk@insightoutnyc.com

There’s a funny misconception that meditation requires stopping our thoughts—impossible except, maybe, for a couple of monks in Tibet! 

The good news is, it’s really about developing a friendlier relationship with our thoughts—Noticing where the mind goes when it’s not present, and learning to cull out the helpful thoughts (spoiler alert: there’s a relatively low percentage of those) from the unhelpful ones.

Just for fun, try a little musical chairs with your thoughts. Set some alerts on your phone and when they go off, notice where your mind is. Is the thinking contractive (contributing to stress and a tightened body) or expansive (open, spacious, relaxed)? If it’s the latter, you can skip the meditation practice.

If it’s the former, join the crowd and sit with us on Tuesday mornings and start training your mind and spirit!